Toll Free: 800-536-1864
Adventure Year
2025 2026

All Accommodations & Rooms are Double Occupancy

Accommodations Type

Private Rooms (4)

Cedar House

Spruce House

Bluff House

Min Occupancy/People

2 People

4 People

6 People

6 People

Max Guest Count = 24

Due to high demand, we expect our season to fill up quickly. To ensure your spot at Talon Lodge, please book your reservations as soon as possible. A $1,000 deposit (per person) is required upon booking. The balance is due 120 days prior to your arrival at Talon Lodge. All Deposits and Moneys received are non-refundable if we cannot rebook your vacancy. If we are able to rebook the vacancy produced by a cancelation*, then a 10% fee will be assessed against all monies received for the specific cancelation.
*The term "Cancelation" refers to any reservation that is canceled due to any circumstance, including events that may or may not be under the control of the guest holding the reservation. IU.

Private Rooms with Private Bathrooms

Cedar One
Cedar Two
Spruce One
Spruce Two

Three Bedroom Accommodations

Cedar House 3-bedrooms/2-bathrooms
Spruce House 3-bedrooms/2-bathrooms
Bluff House 3-bedrooms/2 1/2-bathrooms